Sabato 13 a Keeneland si rivede in pista Stephanie's Kitten nelle Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes G1 a Keeneland, e a proposito di Kitten's e Mr e Mrs Ramsey urge un chiarimento in riferimento a Real Solution rispetto a quando ha lasciato l'Italia. Eravamo rimasti con le parole al veleno di John D'Amato su questo sito (se non ricordi leggi nei commenti QUI) e in risposta alle stesse è intervenuto proprio Gianluca Bietolini che, chiamato in causa, ha parlato ai nostri microfoni spiegando la questione in relazione a quelle parole: "Nella mia gestione Real Solution non ha mai fatto emorragia ma ha avuto un piccolo problema respiratorio che se aggravato, avrebbe potuto portare a emorragia..ma mai l'ha fatta nella mia gestione, e questo posso assicurarlo e supportarlo con dati. Anzi sarebbe stato per me più facile spiegare la prestazione nel Derby con una giustificazione simile. A conferma di questo c'è il fatto che ora il cavallo è da Dermot Weld in quarantena, ma l'allenatore irlandese avendolo visto bene in lavoro avrebbe chiesto il permesso alla proprietà di supplementarlo per una corsa di Gruppo a breve. Mi è stato inoltre detto che è stato sottoposto a cure e a camera iperbarica, non possibile qui in Italia. Molto probabilmente continuerà poi in America, dove tra l'altro è permesso uso di Lasix e broncodilatatori, vietati dal nostro regolamento, per compensare al suo problema. Chissà che non corra in Breeders', auguro il meglio al team e ai signori Ramsey e allo stesso John D'Amato che hanno rinnovato la fiducia nei miei confronti".
Rimanendo in AMERICA, news riguardanti il campione del Team Valor Animal Kingdom il quale da un pò di tempo è tornato al lavoro per preparare la partecipazione nel Breeders' Cup Mile G1. Il sauro ha lavorato nella giornata di mercoledì sull'erba di Fair Hill lasciando buone sensazioni. Sapete chi erano i compagni di lavoro? Il grigio Capitan Futuro ex di Angelo Candi, e l'ex Botti Lake Drop. Il video del lavoro lo puoi vedere cliccando QUI
I agree 100% with Gianluca Bietolini and thank him for the error in interpretation. I talk to Mr. Ramsey, daily, and can assure that Mr. Ramsey has 100% confidence in Gianluca - 6 horses, 25 starts, 10 wins, 4 2nds, 3 3rds in less than 2 years ! There are problems that do weight against Mr. Ramsey and other prominent American horseman looking to Italy to race. They include; absurd taxes, no hyperbaric oxygen, restrictive travel difficulty, low purses, low Europen reputation, lack of Group races, Italy's economic uncertainty, beaurocracy and more. I ask Italians to help me bring prominant American horseman to come to Italy, establish stables, help lift Italian racing's reputation and health, by getting government to make it attractive,(not punitive), for foreign investors Thank You, John D'Amato USA
RispondiEliminaDear John, thank you again for giving your opinion here in my website.
RispondiEliminaI agree with you, when you say that Italy is a very retrograde from many points of view, and i can confirm and i say that the crisis is not only economic, that crosses the whole country, but especially intellectual because we have not the idea of the role of industry.... And also, We have lost particular values of this special sport.
Ours is a world that has to live ((or should live) in only the glory of victory..now is not possible, because italian horsemen now thinks only at money, money, purse, purse...when there is a lot of crisis that is what happens.
However, i think next 5 years something can happen, different from last 15 years..
my idea of a eventually restart is born from the very important role of the horse owner and of the punters, which must be at the center as well as the main!
Unfortunately, these things passes over the heads of each of professionalism in the industry,
Every trainer works like a trainer, not like a politician...
And this sport in Italy, is the mirror of our nation's politician practice..
Let's hope so now, there are new projects in phase of implementation
i have to say a thing, however... The work of each Italian trainer, is well considered abroad and in the level of preparation of the horses, especially the yearlings, the Italian trainer are among the best. Then, of course, lacks the quality .. but it is a different matter that brings me to ramble about another topics.
Dear Mr D'Amato, I believe there are a couple of problems you failed to mention!
RispondiEliminaRather than only looking at the economical aspect of having horses trained in Italy, in this case Rome, you should visit the training facilities to have a better idea of what you are asking of potential American investors and their horses!
Thank you Gabrielle and Anonymous. Gabriele, I agree with you and thank you, again. While we agree with all of the noble principles and thoughts, the truth is that if somrthing doesn't make economic sense - it will not work. Anonymous, correct I did not mention everything but when I said that there was a need for invesment incentives for foreign horseman I was including "sustantial" investment like training centers, vet facilities, etc. - not just horses. Trust me. There are enough billionare Itailian Americans that could be tempted. Give me the resourses, (including stuctural changes and incentives), and even I can make it happen. Remember, you have something that Ireland, England and France do not have. YOU HAVE ITALY ! Where do you really think a wealthy man would rather be ? John D'Amato
RispondiEliminaMr D'Amato you have a point!
RispondiEliminaMost of all you you sound ambitious regarding horseracing, if you wish to discuss a couple of ideas get in touch at info@triplecrownracing.co